Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The First 6 Weeks

Well, it is hard to believe, but it has been six weeks since Janae and Esther got their casts on. What a wild ride so far!

I would have to say that generally, overall, they have been pretty content. Thanks to the wonderful chairs Daddy made for them, they have some independence, they can feed themselves, and they don't seem to have sore backs. These chairs really are a life saver!

Tooth update: The crankiness has been worth it! Janae now has four teeth and is working on her fifth
and Esther is in the process of cutting her first two top teeth! At least there is a reason when they cry!
I am so glad to be half way through the first part of this process, though I have to admit I am dreading the next six weeks already. The main reasons: 1) The weather is getting warmer and the stench from all of the sweat, pee and poop is not going to get any better, even with the cast change this week. 2) Matthew will be on afternoon shift for three long weeks. 3) The girls are getting tired of their toys and they want to move! Because of this, I am getting more tired trying to keep them entertained.

And probably the hardest thing to deal with right now is Leah's behaviour. Some of it I know can be attributed to her age (she's 2.5) but I know that all of the attention we've been giving the twins (and deservedly so) is taking a toll on her. She is a tough kids, but lately she breaks out in tears at the smallest perceived misdemeanours, or all out wails when she doesn't get what she wants. I so want to help her, and be patient and react the way I should every time, but the truth is my nerves and my brain just can't always do that.

One thing I am learning though, is that her actions and reactions are directly influenced by my actions and reactions. If I raise my voice with her, I can expect a yell or scream in return. If I am calm and quiet, often, but not always, her reaction is much more subdued. Now if only it would always work like that. But then we wouldn't be a normal family with three small kids!

Anyways, Janae and Esther go in for their cast changes on Friday, so we will have a full day in London, while Leah hangs out with Grandma and Grandpa. Then, it is Memorial Day weekend in the USA, and it is Life Celebration Memorial day weekend for the Scott/Whiteley clan as well, with my Papa's memorial on Sunday. The photo board is looking great.

So many great pictures of Papa with my girls!

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